Catering in Berlin on a ship and picnic on the boat
A boat trip through Berlin with catering: delicious buffet, fine finger food, fiery barbecue, Mediterranean picnic, exquisite and sparkling drinks will turn your celebration into a special event or a glittering party!

Bestes Catering an Bord
Bootsfahrten und Schiffstouren auf der Berliner Spree mit exklusivem Catering
Jolesch Catering – das Alpenland Catering in der Großstadt. Ob Firmenevents oder private Feier – wir bringen österreichische Gastlichkeit dorthin, wo Sie sind. Nutzen Sie unser Know-how: Von klassischem Dinner über Flying Food bis hin zu Buffets, wir kreieren mit frischer österreichischer Küche den kulinarischen Rahmen für Ihren Anlass.
Köstliche Buffets, feines Fingerfood, feuriger Grill, mediterranes Picknick und erlesene, spritzige Getränke machen Ihre Feier zu einem besonderen Event oder einer rauschenden Party!
Unsere schönen Schiffe sind perfekt für Empfänge, Dinner und Weihnachtsfeiern. Und sie bieten einen garantiert anderen Blick auf die Hauptstadt. Erkunden Sie Spree, Havel und die zahlreichen Seen in Berlin auf dem Wasser. Individuell geplant und auf Wunsch mit ausgesucht gutem Catering!
Jolesch Catering
The alpine region amidst the big city. Company events or private celebration – we bring Austrian hospitality to wherever you are. Use our expertise: From classical dinner through flying food to luscious buffets, we create the culinary framework for your event by bringing fresh Austrian cuisine specially made for the any occasion.

Example with 6 components
• Fruity quinoa salad with peppers, mango and carrot
• Roast beef with remoulade sauce and wild herb salad
• Zürcher Geschnetzeltes of poussin with mushrooms, peas and noodles
• Fried ravioli with egg, herbs, fried onions and sour cream
• Rhubarb crumble in a glass
• Creme brulée soufflé dish

Example with 8 components
• Tomato and minced meat quiche with rocket salad
• Curried chicken salad with peanut mousse, colorful bell bell pepper cubes
• Smoked salmon loin on pea wasabi with seaweed salad
• Beef jelly with green herb mousse
• Pork cheeks on red cabbage and carrot and thyme mousse
• Beet gnocchi on celery and pastrami salad
• Pork knuckle praline with mustard jelly on a pear, bean and bacon salad
• Chocolate mouse ball

Food & beverage on board
Enjoy your trip on board with good food and drink Unique to Germany is the fleet with which the SCHIFFSKONTOR brings style, comfort and individuality to the waterways of the capital. Whether with 80 people on the MS STRALAU or 50 people on the ARCONA - our beautiful ships are perfect for a reception, a dinner or a Christmas party and offer a guaranteed different view of the capital. Explore the Spree, Havel or the numerous lakes in and around Berlin by boat - individually planned and on request with selected good catering.

BBQ Buffet
Exclusively on the Stralau
• Obadzda
• Shepherd's salad with feta cheese, zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes
• Tomato salad with red onions and coriander
• Leaf salad with French dressing
• Potato lamb's lettuce
• Chicken breast fillets in honey-lime marinade
• Pork neck steaks in herb-mustard marinade
• Beef rump steaks
• Thuringian grilled sausage
• Haloumi grilled cheese
• Marinated vegetables
• Pineapple with chili-maple syrup marinade
• Buttered corn on the cob
• Rosemary potatoes with herb quark
• Bread basket with pretzel and 2 spreads

With a picnic on the Spree ...
To the boat tour immediately suitably co-order! Large picnic basket, with selected Mediterranean sausage and cheese specialities, antipasti salads, mixed bread basket, fresh fruit and nibbles. For 2 to 12 persons, from 37,50 € per person. Welcome on board and bon appétit!

Sushi Ahoy …
From 19,95 € per person we offer light sushi food. Order freshly prepared sushi delicacies for your cruise with us on board.

Rustic raclette rides …
We bring the fascination of cheese raclette directly to your table. Whether it's a relaxed Spree cruise with dinner or a cuddly punch ride through Berlin, we delight our on-board guests with raclette grill and the finest Swiss cheese right on the spot. We have put together 6 raclette menus for you, e.g. very popular: The classic - with Gschwellti, silver onions and gherkins. Refined: The spicy one - with turkey ham, pineapple and peanut-chili-pesto. The rest: The herbal, the rich, the delicately fruity and the spicy - let us surprise you! In addition we serve a small leaf salad with homemade dressing, French baguette and salted butter, salt and pepper mill.